Why You Shouldn't Sleep With Your Phone Next To Your Head - Bonano Health

Why You Shouldn’t Sleep With Your Phone Next To Your Head

Bonano Health  » Uncategorized »  Why You Shouldn’t Sleep With Your Phone Next To Your Head

Mobile phones have crept into almost all the nooks and crannies of life. Hanging around on social media while in the loo, chatting on the couch, exchanging mushy messages, and calling your partner while he or she is not around, have all become very common occurrences. Our phone has become like a second skin to us in the way it has managed to bring the world at our fingertips. And while this pricey little piece of electronic keeps us constant company while we are awake, it doubles up as an alarm while we sleep too.

If you are someone who has completely given up on those shrill conventional analogue alarms or the dainty digital ones, and instead have made your phone the official time-keeper, you need to know how damaging that could be. Read on to know more as to why your phone mustn’t be your favourite companion in bed, especially near your head!

Why Is This A Problem?

To understand what makes cell phones a bad partner in bed, let us understand as to how this electronic gadget functions. A cell phone is nothing but an electromagnetic transmitter and receiver. The basic job of a phone is to make calls, but nowadays a phone is also a medium to access the World Wide Web. All the input, be it voice or data that goes out or comes into your phone is formed of electromagnetic waves.

Have you ever noticed how heated up your phone gets if you have been on a call for a while? Or have you experienced that splitting headache or burning sensation in your eyes when you have been staring at social media for too long? Ever wondered why that happens?

The reason behind all of this is the heavy amount of electromagnetic radiation that your tiny little phone emits. According to reports in CBS News, the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer has declared that the radiation emitted by mobile phones is highly likely to have carcinogenic properties..